In 1988, Julie Lynn Seay was 24 years old and worked as a telephone magazine saleswoman in Daytona Beach, Florida. She was also the mother of two young boys.
On December 23, Julie was last seen by her boss when she left work. She had told her sister-in-law that she wanted to finish some last-minute Christmas shopping, but she never returned to her apartment and was never seen or heard from again.

Julie Seay (NamUs)
After police were notified of her disappearance, her blue 1988 Chevrolet Sprint vehicle was found in a parking space on Magnolia Ave in Daytona Beach. The car was unlocked and her purse was still inside. Julie was only 4'11 and the driver's seat was pushed far back, adjusted for someone much taller than her to be driving.
Florida Department of Law Enforcement found no evidence or clues when they searched the car. No clues were found as well when Julie's boss's Port Orange, Florida home was searched.
At the time of her disappearance, Julie Seay had recently divorced her husband but had been contemplating a reconciliation with him.
This case is still open and Julie's family is still actively seeking answers. Police have stated that they believe foul play had a part in her disappearance.